In a move poised to transform the Indian film industry, KPMG in India has released a comprehensive report titled “Beyond the Frame: Creating a Cinematic Hub through a Dynamic Film City”. The study provides a blueprint for establishing a world-class film city in India, envisioning a hub where art meets technology and creativity converges with innovation. This ambitious initiative seeks to elevate India’s status on the global cinematic map by combining the country’s inherent strengths in filmmaking with cutting-edge infrastructure and strategic policy interventions.
Commenting on the report, Vivek Agarwal, Partner and Lead – Industrial and Infrastructure Development, Government and Public Sector, KPMG in India, said, “At KPMG in India, we are committed to driving excellence and fostering innovation. This document is a testament to our dedication to supporting India’s ambition to become a global leader in the film industry. We believe that by harnessing the country’s inherent strengths, coupled with strategic infrastructure and policy interventions, India can elevate its position on the global cinematic map.”
The report emphasizes that the proposed film city would not merely be a physical space but a dynamic ecosystem fostering innovation, collaboration, and creativity. It highlights the need for incentive schemes, including tax breaks and subsidies for production houses, reduced taxation for film companies, and financial grants for independent filmmakers. Further recommendations include partnering with financial institutions to provide soft loans and offering staggered payment options for young and indie filmmakers.
Aalap Bansal, Partner at KPMG in India, remarked, “The establishment of a world-class film city in India is a transformative step towards redefining the global cinematic landscape. This initiative not only leverages India’s rich storytelling heritage but also addresses the growing demand for world-class production facilities. At KPMG in India, we are proud to contribute to this visionary approach through our thought leadership document, ‘Beyond the Frame: Creating a Cinematic Hub through a Dynamic Film City.’ This blueprint serves as a foundation for fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and positioning India as a premier destination for filmmakers and tourists alike.”
The report further outlines a roadmap for infrastructure development, recommending incentives for production houses investing in advanced facilities such as sound stages, VFX studios, and backlots. Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models, 100% reimbursement on registration and stamp duty for high-investment projects, and streamlined land leasing policies are suggested to attract investors. Additionally, it emphasizes creating a single-window clearance system to simplify filming permissions and establish autonomous governance bodies for effective management and promotion.
The report also focuses on training and skill development, proposing the establishment of film schools and training centers in collaboration with global institutions. Workshops and courses tailored to emerging technologies like AI, AR/VR, and virtual production would equip local talent with cutting-edge skills, ensuring competitiveness in the global market.
To integrate tourism and filmmaking, the report suggests a national-level film policy to promote film tourism. Dedicated film tourism packages, thematic attractions, and film-inspired theme parks would enhance India’s appeal as a destination for filmmakers and travelers alike, driving economic growth and boosting regional tourism.
This visionary project underscores India’s potential to become a global cinematic hub. By fostering innovation, encouraging collaboration with international studios, and embracing cutting-edge technologies, India can emerge as a premier destination for world-class filmmaking. The report by KPMG serves as a clarion call to stakeholders, providing a roadmap to transform India’s cinematic ambitions into reality.