Delhi: The Kho Kho World Cup 2025, set to take place at the Indira Gandhi Arena in New Delhi from January 13-19, has announced a unique partnership with Nayan Naveli Gallery. This collaboration will fuse the vibrant world of Indian art with the thrilling energy of sport, creating a global spectacle that transcends traditional boundaries and celebrates the fusion of athleticism, culture, and heritage.
Central to this partnership is a curated art exhibition by Amrita Kochhar, showcasing works from some of India’s leading contemporary artists, including Anuradha Tandon, Asit Kumar Patnaik, Krishnendu Porel, Nayanaa Kanodia, Ram Onkar, Renuka Sondhi Gulati, Santosh Kumar Verma, Shampa Bhattacharjee, Shampa Sircar, Shrikanth G Poddar, Vijender Sharma, and Vimmi Indra. The exhibition, inspired by themes of movement, energy, and Kho Kho, will offer a multisensory experience for attendees, bridging the dynamism of sport with the emotive power of art.
This collaboration underscores the Kho Kho Federation of India’s (KKFI) commitment to elevating the sport globally while celebrating India’s rich cultural legacy. By blending art with the tournament, KKFI aims to inspire and engage audiences, showcasing the harmony between athletic performance and artistic expression.
Mandeep Malhotra, CMO of the Kho Kho Federation of India, expressed excitement about the initiative, stating, “Through this partnership, we aim to create an unforgettable event where sport and art come together to celebrate human expression. By showcasing the synergy between the intensity of Kho Kho and the vibrancy of Indian art, we hope to captivate audiences and elevate the stature of both disciplines on the global stage.”