Mumbai: Rajdhani Foods has set the stage ablaze with its latest campaign featuring Bollywood’s favorite storyteller, Karan Johar, and Gen-Z icon Ananya Panday. The duo has come together to promote Rajdhani’s iconic Besan, giving the kitchen staple a fresh, star-studded spin.
The campaign, a delightful blend of humor and nostalgia, unfolds on a vibrant film set. Karan Johar, seen directing a scene with Ananya Panday, takes an unexpected break, requesting Pakode to lighten the mood. Ananya, in her signature witty style, questions the absence of rain—a must-have for the ultimate Pakoda experience. In true Bollywood fashion, Johar takes charge, orchestrating artificial rain right on the set. Together, the stars enjoy sizzling Pakode made with Rajdhani Besan, creating a moment that resonates with audiences across generations.
Since its inception in 1966, Rajdhani Foods has been a trusted name in Indian households. From grinding gram flour (besan) to offering a wide range of agro-based products like sattu, makhana, sabudana, peanuts, and fiber-rich breakfast cereals, Rajdhani Foods has become a culinary staple, bringing families together through food.
Speaking about the campaign, Chetan Jain, Managing Director of Rajdhani Besan, said, “For decades, Rajdhani Besan has been the secret ingredient behind countless family moments—be it crispy Pakode on a rainy evening or indulgent Besan Laddoos during festivals. Partnering with Karan Johar and Ananya Panday helps us reimagine these moments in a way that speaks to the modern audience while celebrating our timeless legacy.”
This campaign goes beyond product promotion, celebrating the essence of Indian culture. From rain-soaked streets where Pakode are enjoyed with tea to festive kitchens filled with the aroma of Besan Laddoos, Rajdhani Besan is at the heart of these cherished moments. With Karan Johar’s cinematic flair and Ananya Panday’s youthful energy, the ad captures these traditions with a dose of Bollywood drama and relatable charm.
The collaboration reminds us that some experiences never go out of style—like sharing a plate of piping-hot Pakode with loved ones. With Bollywood’s brightest stars leading the charge, Rajdhani Foods is making this timeless joy even more irresistible.
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