Mumbai: After Kapil Sharma’s sudden ouster from the Yash Raj camp, his dreams to make a debut on the big screen meted a dead end. The latest development is that Kapil had knocked the doors of Salman’s brother Sohail Khan to help him for his Bollywood entry. The Khan brothers and Kapil share a good equation. That’s probably why Kapil didn’t hesitate to call Sohail soon after the news about YRF cancelling his contract made headlines.
“Salman is extremely fond of Kapil. Recently, Salman and Sohail have assured Kapil that they will bail him out of the mess,” said sources close to the Khan brothers.
Currently, Sohail is working on a comedy film that’ll be shot in Punjab. Kapil is hopeful that he’ll bag a role in Sohail’s film. Apparently, The casting of the film is still on.
Earlier, Sohail had assured Kapil a role in Sher Khan, which was eventually shelved, he is now keen to take charge of Kapil’s big screen debut,” said sources close to Salman.
Time and again, Kapil has faced flak for announcing and publicising his film offers on his TV show. Despite creating hype, the films didn’t materialise. Now that he has learnt his lesson, Kapil will wait for the Khan brothers to make a formal announcement.