Mumbai: With reference to the police complaint launched by Viacom18 during January 2017, against K Sera Sera Digital Cinema in the issue related to the piracy of Force 2 movie produced by the former, the investigating authorities had excused the later from the case after due verification and realization that there is no will ful wrong doing on part of K Sera Sera.
The Charge sheet has been filed in court for the case of Force 2, which says that force 2 Movie has been pirated by Mr. PramodShivhare and ArjunShivhare – the Owner, and Manager of Prakash Theatre – Dabra and they have breached the trust of K Sera Sera Digital Cinema.
Apparently, K Sera Sera’s name is been removed from the accused list and now they have been added as one among the witness in this case.
Earlier, Viacom18 has launched a complaint to Mumbai Cyber Crime Cell on 13th January 2017 and subsequent FIR was filed against K Sera Sera. However, it accused Madhya Pradesh based Prakash Cinema of involving in piracy of the movie through a camcorder recording that was circulated in to DVD Copies later-on and subsequently,K Sera Sera has assured to co-operate with Viacom18 and launched a complaint against Prakash Cinema.
Growing awareness on Cyber and Piracy laws day-by-day and effective implementation of the same through competent authorities makes fighting against Piracy easy for the affected parties and this is one such case of example that proves that stringent action would deter the wrong doers and also protect the interest of investors.