Mumbai: A short-video app Josh and Dailyhunt, alocal language content discovery platform and OneIndia, a one digital vernacular portal, have announced the launch of #FightHPV campaign leading up to International Women’s Day in partnership with Caped (Cancer Awareness, Prevention and Early Detection) India community. The campaign aims to elevate awareness of the HPV vaccine and its uptake in India, directly supporting the national mission to decrease cervical cancer rates.
This 360-degree campaign will look to leverage the collective reach and audience of Josh, Dailyhunt, and OneIndia to educate and empower women and their families across India on the crucial roles of early vaccination and consistent screening in cervical cancer prevention. In line with the “Inspire Inclusion” theme of International Women’s Day 2024, the initiative highlights the importance of ensuring equitable access to HPV vaccines and embedding cervical cancer awareness in public health discourse.
The #FightHPV campaign, kickstarted on 20 February, leading up to International Women’s Day on 8 March, 2024. Together with Caped India, Josh, Dailyhunt, and OneIndia aim to ensure that every woman has access to preventive healthcare, promoting health equity regardless of socio-economic background, moving closer to achieving health equity for all women.
Josh, DailyHunt and OneIndia will activate the campaign across their platforms using tailored content formats to disseminate information and resources to combat cervical cancer effectively. Josh has launched the Filter Challenge, incorporating the HPV vaccine into a checklist of essential vaccines, while also presenting a series of Q&A videos addressing healthcare questions related to cervical cancer prevention. DailyHunt is looking to engage its audience through a vaccine quiz, expert panel discussions on enhancing HPV vaccine accessibility and integrating cervical cancer screenings, infotainment sharecards on cervical cancer movies, and live streaming of partner events. OneIndia will further amplify the campaign’s message to reach a broader audience.
Ravanan N, Executive Director, Eterno Infotech said, “Collaboration lies at the core of driving impactful change. Our collaboration with CAPED India for the #FightHPV campaign underscores our collective vision of a future where cervical cancer is no longer a threat. Through the strategic incorporation of VerSé platforms and CAPED India, we are setting a benchmark for public health initiatives, focusing on raising awareness, enhancing accessibility, and catalyzing action. This campaign is a testament to what we can achieve when we unite for a common cause.”
Mridu Gupta, Chief Executive Officer from CAPED India, says, “Over 77,000 Indian women lose their lives to cervical cancer each year, a cancer that can be prevented! With HPV vaccination and HPV DNA screening, we can prevent cervical cancer and save countless lives. CAPED is dedicated to spreading awareness about HPV and cervical cancer and empower people to take preventive action. Join us, along with VerSe and MASH, on this mission to raise awareness and make a difference!”