Actor Tamannaah Bhatia has been named the first Indian brand ambassador for Japanese beauty and cosmetics giant Shiseido. On the partnership, Bhatia said, “I am absolutely thrilled to be associated with Shiseido, a brand that has consistently set the standard for excellence in beauty for over a century. Shiseido’s commitment to innovation, quality, and celebrating individuality resonates with me on a personal level. I believe that beauty is not just about external appearance, but also about feeling confident and empowered in your own skin.”
Hollywood actor Anne Hathaway is the company’s global brand ambassador.
Headquartered in Tokyo, Shiseido is one of the world’s oldest cosmetics companies and was set up in 1872. The company has makeup, skin care, body care, hair care and fragrances in its portfolio. The company is betting big on India and launched its first makeup brand – the Nars Cosmetics line – in India in almost a decade. The company has tied up with Shoppers Stop, as well as LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE’s Sephora shops, media reports said. The company had shut its subsidiary, which sold its Za cosmetics line in India in 2015, a little over a year and a half after its foray into the market as the business fell short of expectations.
Between January and March this year, the company reported its net profit almost doubled on year to 8.7 billion yen (59 million euro). Operating profit jumped 140 pc to 10.5 billion yen (71.2 million euro) for the same period. Sales for the quarter rose by 2.6 pc year-on-year to 240 billion yen (1.6 billion euros), but Shiseido said that excluding the effects of exchange rates and transfers of activities, they had increased by 7.7 pc.
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