The Indian box office crossed the INR 1,000 Cr mark in June 2023, driven by the success of films like Adipurush, Zara Hatke Zara Bachke (Hindi), Carry On Jatta 3 (Punjabi), Baipan Bhaari Deva (Marathi), and Maamannan (Tamil). Despite this, the cumulative box office for January to June 2023 is 15pc lower than the same period in 2022, standing at INR 4,868 Cr.
According to The India Box Office Report by Ormax, the second half of 2023 is expected to have strong releases like Jawan, Salaar, and Tiger 3, which may help the year’s box office performance surpass or come close to 2022’s INR 10,637 Cr.
The top film in the first half of 2023 is Pathaan, contributing over 13pc of the overall collections. Adipurush secures the second spot despite controversies and poor audience likability. Fast X is the only Hollywood film in the top 10 list.
The survey revealed that the share of Hindi language box office has increased to 37pc, while the combined share of South Indian languages has decreased to 44 pc, mainly due to a significant drop in the share of Kannada films from 8 pc (2022) to 2 pc (Jan-Jun 2023).
The year 2019 saw the Indian box office reaching its peak, with collections amounting to INR 10,948 Cr, followed closely by 2022 (INR 10,637 Cr).