JSF Holdings Pvt. Ltd has announced that Lazza, a leading name in the Indian ice cream industry, has been recognized as a ‘Well-Known Trademark’ by the Indian Trademark Registry. Notably, Lazza has become the first FMCG brand from Kerala to attain this prestigious distinction, marking a significant achievement in the brand’s illustrious journey.
Only trademarks/brand names that enjoy substantial recognition among the public for its products are recognised as a well-known trademark. A Well-Known Trademark enjoys the highest level of protection in a country and across different categories of goods and services. It is an acknowledgement of the popularity and success of a brand and the appeal it has among its consumers and the public at large.
The status the trademark Lazza has attained is a confirmation that the vision of M C John of making ice cream more affordable and accessible to the public so that everyone may indulge in and experience the joy of ice creams has deeply resonated with the people. Lazza is a name that evokes cherished memories in every household and its ice creams are truly a decadent experience for all.
Simon John, Chairman of JSF Holdings Pvt. Ltd, expressed his profound contentment at Lazza’s notable achievement, remarking, “The acknowledgment of Lazza as a ‘Well-Known Trademark’ underscores the brand’s steadfast dedication to excellence and consumer satisfaction. This prestigious designation reaffirms Lazza’s stature as a pre-eminent entity in the industry and in the hearts and minds of our valuable customers.”
John Simon, Managing Director of JSF Holdings Pvt. Ltd, echoed these sentiments, adding, “We take immense pride in Lazza’s journey and the trust bestowed upon us by millions of discerning consumers. This recognition not only validates our endeavours but also fortifies our determination to uphold the highest standards in delivering products of unparalleled quality.”
Abraham Cherian, Advocate and Managing Partner of law firm M/s. Cherian & Associates underscored the significance and the statutory protection that is accorded to a trademark which is included in the list of well-known trademarks in India. He added that, once included in the list of well-known trademarks, it gives protection against the registration or use of any identical or similar marks by others irrespective of the goods or services for which it has been adopted, if it is detrimental to the distinctive character or repute of the well-known mark. The trademark Lazza now joins an elite cohort of brands in India as it has been granted this distinguished status and this marks a pivotal milestone in Lazza’s pursuit of excellence and consumer trust.