Rite KnowledgeLabs is a full-service, content-first digital agency. Combining research-led content with usability-driven UI-UX design, development and digital execution, we build compelling stakeholder narratives for customers.
It creates digital assets and social media outreach programs from the ground up by marrying strategic consulting with executional rigour. Be it social media advocacy, corporate websites, subject-specific microsites, investor and cause reporting-led digital assets and reports, we research and write, design and develop in an integrated manner.
The ten-year-old start-up is run by a young professional team on a self-funded model.
On the occasion of international Women’s Day Medianews4u.com caught up with Zahara Kanchwalla, co-founder & CEO, Rite Knowledgelabs
Q. Are you’ll working on Women’s Day campaigns for brands? Kindly elaborate
Yes most of our clients are looking at celebrating Women’s Day Campaign and we are working on a few ideas for social media.
Q. How are agencies leveraging data to promote equality?
I think data goes a long way to promote equality. For example, research shows that diversity builds a sense of inclusiveness and bonding among teams which result in higher productivity. Today, various data and research points positively towards a women workforce.
Q. In the ad industry what are the challenges encountered by women looking to advance and get to a leadership position?
I think as a content agency, it is the same challenge as any other service industry. Women usually join at an entry level but then it thins out as we go higher.
At Rite KnowledgeLabs, having a woman founder like me at the helm naturally fosters a culture of gender equality and paves the way for more women to rise to senior leadership roles. Today, our head of research is a woman, alongside senior colleagues in design.
Workplaces are becoming more inclusive, and we see more women stepping into leadership positions across agencies.
Q. How are female marketers influencing trends in AI, SEO, content marketing, and other digital channels?
I think yes female marketers are having a larger say in terms of content marketing and digital channels.
However, the reason is better insights and consumer driven demand rather than any gender related bias.
Q. How do women bring in fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to traditional marketing challenges?
I think women just not in marketing but in every organisation field bring a fresh perspective which often challenges stereotypes.
Also, with women centric products and women’s increasing earning capacity and hence spending power, a woman marketer is able to better understand the psyche.
Q. Are brands and agencies like the companies you’ll are in today focussing on not just diversity, but true equality in hiring, pay, and opportunities? Does more need to be done?
I think most agencies and companies pay equally based on the merit and job responsibility. However, there is always a need for improvement and be it boardrooms or shopfloors, we need more gender parity.