PublicVibe, India’s leading hyperlocal video news platform, has launched its first TV + digital campaign to extensively cover the ongoing Uttar Pradesh elections. As a hyperlocal video news app, PublicVibe aims to provide latest election coverage from every galli and mohalla of the state.
Leveraging its rich tech stack to extensively cover the Uttar Pradesh elections, PublicVibe is breaking down the election news based on constituency. Providing users with hyperlocal updates on important topics in their constituency, local issues that are impacting the elections, public opinions and exit polls.
The campaign establishes how hyperlocal issues and topics impact the choices of leaders of the state. A 15 second TV spot conceptualised by WYP Worldwide kickstarted the campaign. Capturing the essence of democracy and the key role citizens play in electing leaders, the film uses the metaphor of a chair as the seat of power, as the narrator reflects on who the people of Uttar Pradesh will choose for this important seat.
Samir Vora, Chief Marketing Officer, VerSe Innovation said, “PublicVibe is powered by thousands of users who are passionate about the news and issues concerning their immediate areas. Leveraging the power of hyperlocal journalism, we are striving to capture and inform our users of the public sentiment that prevails in the Uttar Pradesh elections through live, in-depth updates directly from the ground.”
Amit Akali, Chief Content Officer & Cofounder, WYP Worldwide, a Wondrlab Company said, “It is not often when a product is so strong that a simple narrative brings to life the impact it has on people’s lives. The story weaved around a local chair maker, who will in his way, impact the hot seat everyone is fighting for, demonstrates the power of PublicVibe. It is also a testament of the effort the platform has taken to become truly hyperlocal. While only time will tell the election results but with PublicVibe people are being updated straight from the districts and by lanes of UP.”