New Delhi: Hungama Play, a leading video on demand platform owned by Hungama Digital Media, today launched the second season of ‘Comedycha Raada’, a Hungama Original featuring stand-up comedy acts in Marathi. The new season will include20 episodes featuring a total of 41 aspiring comedians from Maharashtra who will perform original acts across a diverse range of themes including satire, a slice of life, abstract and more. The show is hosted by the popular Marathi actor, Pranav Raorane, and is created and produced by CafeMarathi.
Starting today, the show will be available to stream on Hungama Play, Hungama’s video-on-demand platform. It will also be available to stream through Hungama Play on Vodafone Play, Idea Movies & TV, Airtel Xstream App, Amazon Fire TV Stick, Tata Sky Binge, MX Player, SonyLIV and Android TVs. Additionally, Hungama’s association with Xiaomi will enable consumers to watch the show via Hungama Play on Mi TV.
Speaking about the launch of Comedycha Raada Season 2, Siddhartha Roy, COO, Hungama Digital Media said, “The digital medium has emerged as the greatest asset in recent times. Besides enabling access to information and essential services, the medium has also become key to offering people the option to entertain themselves from the safety of their homes. We are pleased to launch a new season of our Marathi stand-up comedy special, a genre that is increasingly being appreciated by audiences speaking regional languages, and are certain that our users will find the content to be humorous and relatable.”
Nikhil Raibole, Co-founder & CEO, CafeMarathi commented, “It gives us great pleasure to work with Hungama Play again for the new season of Comedycha Raada. The show has won appreciation for its originality, fresh performances, and topicality. Coupled with Hungama Play’s strong distribution network, the show’s format offers budding comedians a huge platform to showcase their talent and reach a wide audience. We are certain that the audience will appreciate the humor that the new season has to offer.”
Comedians performing in ComedychaRaadaSeason 2 include Prakash Sawale, Ashok More, DhirajTekale, Samved Samant, Raju Jagtap, Sameer Khade, Divyesh Shirwandkar, Vijay Palwe, Santosh Khadase, Sanke tKarjule, Ganesh Randive, Akash Yendhe, SachinMetakari, Mahesh Naravade, VismayKasar, SachinLabhane, Vaibhav Bhong, Ajisan Nair, Priyanka Mehrunkar, Tejas, Kishor, SagarPawar, Adarsha Gaikwad, Pravin Make, Sanjay Makasare, Ashish Satpute, Prashant Shinde, Swapnil Lambhate, Mayur Sonawane, Jyoti Patil, LatikaPatil, Abhishek Patil, Rushikesh Damre, Rahul Jadhav, Chirantan Loankar, NileshPapat, RutujaPatil, Rahul Rane, Raj Najan, Sukeshini Waghmare, and Swapnil Gudekar.
ComedychaRaadaSeason 2 is now available to stream on Hungama Play and partner networks.
Watch the trailer here: