Chennai : The national English daily ‘The Hindu’ has successfully stepped into its 140th year today. One of the oldest newspapers of the country, headquartered at Chennai, was began way back in 1878. The founding editorial was titled ‘Ourselves’ as a weekly newspaper and became an English daily in 1889. From its modest beginnings, The Hindu has come a long way, and is poised to advance in the face of new challenges, its chief asset being its integrity combined with the public trust earned over the decades.
Today it stands tall with a rich legacy of being one of the oldest newspapers of the country, with nearly 16 lakhs certified copies a day and a readership of almost 60 lakh across the country, making it the second largest circulated daily of the country. Having the largest base of circulation in southern India, the newspaper and other publications in The Hindu Group are owned by a family-held company, Kasturi and Sons Ltd and is the first Indian newspaper to offer an online edition in 1995.
The newspaper has been constantly bolstering its offering with innovative editions and exclusive supplements to cater to all of its reader of different age groups. Marking its anniversary, it has offered its readers a special supplements titled ” The Hindu @140″.
When ‘The Hindu’ launched itself on September 20, 1878 on the strength of nothing but the ardent patriotism and commitment to progressive social reform of six young men who had managed to raise a rupee and three-quarters as seed capital, nothing seemed guaranteed, least of all longevity.
In the journey of 14 full decades The Hindu has been adapting to changing times, facing and overcoming a multitude of challenges, earning the trust and affection of millions of people across the country, and flourishing holding onto its Code of Editorial Values as well as the Code of Business Values adopted by the organisation.
The Hindu, with its priceless asset of public trust earned over 140 years during which the world changed beyond human imagination, re-commits itself to this mission. The Hindu is celebrating its journey with a special series ‘The Hindu @ 140” by senior journalists and dignitaries.
With in-puts from:
The Hindu @ 140: yesterday, today, tomorrow – by Sriram V
The Hindu @ 140: 140 years and counting – by N Ram