Bangalore: Mullen Lintas launched its first television campaign for Quikr. The latest campaign by Quikr, India’s No. 1 classifieds business, is themed around buying high quality pre-owned smartphones at affordable prices from QuikrBazaar, its C2C vertical. The aim of the ad campaign is to drive pre-owned smart phone purchase intent among people through the assurance of a high quality product from Quikr.
The ad campaign titled ‘Have you seen Rajesh’s new phone?’ conceptualized and executed by Mullen Lintas Bangalore will run on all popular channels spanning the genres of Entertainment, News, Sports etc.

Commenting on the new campaign VineetSehgal, Chief Marketing Officer at Quikr said“ At Quikr, we have always innovated for our consumers either to make them online users, to address privacy issues or to provide secure platform for C2C transactions. With the latest ad campaign we want to address trust issues associated with the used products and mobile phones in particular. The campaign points out the several benefits such as best price, 36+ point quality check, six months warranty and seven-day replacement policy offered by QuikrBazaar and demystifies worries associated with pre-owned mobile phones. The ad campaign is result of a great collaborative effort with our new agency partner that effectively captures the essence that anybody can now own a high-end mobile phone.”
The campaign brings alive the story of an unassuming person who becomes the center of attention at his work place, as his colleagues become envious about the high-end phone he’s recently got.

Highlighting the creative premise behind the film, ShriramIyer, NCD, Mullen Lintas said: “Mobiles carry a lot of flaunt value, right? So what happens when a very junior employee at a firm walks around with a high-end phone? One which looks and feels like a brand new phone? It leads to a crazy chain of Chinese whispers, all speculating how he could afford it. And given that Quikr and quirk go hand in hand, we went lateral in treatment by giving it a retro, Bollywood caper kind of feel to the whole thing. A simple human insight tuned for super fun.”
Team credits:
Client: Quikr
Team: VineetSehgal, Ruchika Gupta
Agency: Mullen Lintas
Account Management: Kishore Subramanian, Anil Nair, Arjun KD, AkshataSrivastava
Creative: ShriramIyer, SantoshRamakrishnan
Planning: SushmaRao
Production House: Absolute Productions
Director: VasanBala
Producer: Prafull Sharma &SadhyaVyas