Mumbai : Hasbro Gaming today launched their newest campaign, #TimeToPlay,which shares an emotional message with parents on the importance of playing with their kids. In the current times when parents are occupied with their jobs and other commitments, it is very rare that they find enough time to play with their children. This campaign by Hasbro,Inc. encourages kids to share their honest feelings about playtime and how they miss their parents.
The3.5-minute video starts off with an interview ofa group of kids, while their parents listen on the sidelines to what they are saying. During the interview, the childrentalk about how much they love playing and who they usually play with which is often not their parents. When a variety of Hasbro board games are shown to them, the childrenare excited but are informed that they can only have the game if they can convince their parents to play with them. They allthen plead with their parents to play with them for some time.
Towards the end, the kids are informed that their parents have heard their message but unfortunately cannotcome and play with them as they are stretched for time.The kids begin pondering why their parents won’t come play, even beginning to blame their own bad behavior.
Finally, the parents quietly walk in and surprise their kids. As the video traces the various emotions on the children’s faces, the message is conveyed in a very subtle yet impactful manner.The realization of how excited the children are to play with their parentsstrikes an emotional chord and encourages the importance of making time to play with their kids.
“This digital campaign, #TimeToPlay is an initiative from the brand to reach out to all parents and share a message on behalf of the kids who long for their parents to play with them,” said Bhavesh Somaya, Country Head, Hasbro India LLP.“When parents spend time with their kids, it is not only an opportunity for them to bond, it also helps parents contribute to a child’s learning and holistic development. Hasbro Gaming has manygames which parents can play with their kids that not only allow them to connect and have fun together, but also provides parents with a chance to help their childrenlearn and buildcertain skills thatone can only learn through play. Through this campaign, we hope to reach out to all parents and share this message with them.”
The film has been created and developed by Workship Creative Solutions LLP. The parents involved in the shooting were moved to hear their kids’ honest and endearing reactions to the interviewer’s questions. They went home with a renewed connection that the team is happy to know of!
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