Mumbai: Gowardhan has announced its partnership with the popular Marathi comedy show, Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra, on Sony Marathi. This collaboration represents a synergy between wholesome entertainment and Gowardhan’s unwavering commitment to quality. Currently airing on Sony Marathi, the latest season of Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra showcases teams from across Maharashtra competing in a series of entertaining skits for the championship title. The show has garnered significant popularity within the state, resonating with audiences of all ages. This partnership supports Gowardhan’s mission of becoming a staple in every household, enhancing daily lives with high-quality dairy offerings. Viewers can look forward to shared moments of joy and togetherness that reflect Gowardhan’s essence as a trusted partner in every Indian kitchen.
Commenting on the collaboration, Ms. Akshali Shah, Executive Director at Parag Milk Foods Ltd., said: “Gowardhan has been a trusted name in households for decades, and our association with Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra reflects our commitment to being an integral part of families’ lives—whether it’s through quality dairy products or moments of shared laughter. We are delighted to connect with audiences on a platform that celebrates joy, authenticity, and culture, perfectly aligning with our brand ethos. Just as Maharashtrachi Hasyajatra is the pride of Maharashtra, so is Gowardhan Ghee – as our tagline proudly says, Garv Se Gowardhan.
Tushar Shah, ‘Business Head, Hindi Movies, English, Bengali, Marathi, Infotainment Channels & Chief Marketing Officer (CMO), Sony Pictures Networks India (SPNI), “Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra is a beloved non-fiction show in the Maharashtra general entertainment industry, touching emotional chords and capturing the hearts of audiences across all age groups with its relatable, skit-based comedy. We are thrilled to partner with Brand Gowardhan to feature its messaging in a uniquely memorable way.”
As Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra continues to deliver smiles to millions, this collaboration showcases Gowardhan’s steadfast dedication to its customer base and its deep-rooted presence in Maharashtra’s households. Viewers are encouraged to tune in to Maharashtrachi Hasya Jatra on Sony Marathi and enjoy this laughter-filled journey, with Gowardhan alongside.