Rajinikanth’s Kochadaiiyaan, India’s first Tamil period-drama with motion capture 3D animation. Global Advertisers now engaged with Kochadaiiyaan’s outdoor promotions in Mumbai. The movie got attracted by the outdoor campaigns especially the hoardings at major locations like Anderi, Bandra and Santacruz made the crowd which passes that way to freeze for few seconds to view Kochadaiyaan Hoardings. Being 16 years in the OOH Marketing, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Global Advertisers Mr. Sanjeev Gupta says, “Indian audiences are interested in high quality animated content. However, Indian animation films did not live up to the expectations set by their Hollywood counterparts. But with Rajinikanth-starrer Kochadaiiyaan expectation of Indian viewer is once again raised. We have rolled out the outdoor campaign keeping the interest of target audience on huge billboards in Mumbai.” Eros International and Media One Global entertainment are the co-producers of Director Soundarya R Ashwin’s Kochadaiyaan which is released on 23rd May 2014.
Warner Bros. Discovery implements new strategy with split focus on Linear Networks and Streaming
Warner Bros. Discovery, Inc. today revealed that its Board of Directors has approved a new corporate structure aimed at increasing...
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