Mumbai: India’s largest music streaming app, Gaana has partnered with Green Gold Animation, a pioneer in original Indian animation content to host its kids content catalogue exclusively on its platform. The brains behind some of the most iconic comic characters on Indian television such as Chhota Bheem, Krishna & Balram & Mighty Raju, are all set to entertain millions of young minds across the country.
Over the past few years, the shows produced by Green Gold have been hugely popular across all leading video OTT platforms such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Voot as well as kids TV channels like Cartoon Network, Pogo, Discovery Kids, Hungama & Disney drawing an active viewership of over 60 million Indian children. The sweeping popularity of the characters created by Green Gold has transcended linguistic & generational barriers in creating a lasting impression in the minds of the Indian audience. The ready availability of this content as a part of Gaana’s non-music audio catalogue would be a game-changer in offering the brand the edge in the OTT kids entertainment segment.
“Shows & Podcasts have the potential to be among the most popular mainstream non-music genres in our country owing to their ability to create a long-standing bond with listeners. At Gaana, we have been investing steadily in this space with our Podcast Originals, and have now taken it up a notch with our partnership with Green Gold Studios that would engage our young users with their favorite shows without any of the negative impacts of long hours of consistent TV viewing. This is a landmark in our vision to host the country’s widest and most diverse non-music audio library by the end of FY ’21.”Prashan Agarwal, CEO – Gaana added.
“This collaboration will make it easy for millions of Indian kids to discover and consume our great content made with love by making our catalogue directly available on the country’s favourite music app Gaana,” said Rajiv Chilaka, Founder & CEO – Green Gold Studios.“We are thrilled at the prospect of being able to make our way into the playlists of millions of young Indian minds and look forward to serving them their favorite shows across both video & audio OTT formats.”