Mumbai: The advertising industry is on a reset mode for quite a while now and the current global pandemic has accelerated the process further. Sheetal’s model of GRIP Digi is another step towards that. It will provide digital first brand solutions using proprietary tools to integrate technology, real time measurement and creativity. Mapping the modern day consumer journeys, this will be done through effective cross-platform audience tracking, media analytics and customizing creative campaigns on a real time basis.
GRIP Digi uniquely positions itself as a boutique digital marketing agency that follows a data -driven and scientific approach. As part of solutions, GRIP Digi will provide Brand Strategy, Creative campaigns, Social Media Management & Content Creation, Video Production (AR, VR too) and Platform Management, all under one roof. A hybrid mix of talent with regional and local experiences is already on board.
“Data, Creativity and Technology are vastly overused terms today. They are, however, under-leveraged in practice and much sought after need of modern marketing. Individual specialisation exists, but a real value to clients can only be provided when there is a single window solution created at the intersection of those three worlds. That’s what we aspire to do across our offices in Myanmar, India and SouthEast Asia. There is a potential to unlock huge opportunities in Myanmar which is on a fast track growth trajectory. New MNCs, aspiring local businesses and surging consumer demands have all added to a great momentum. However, most of the current digital work in Myanmar is an adaptation of ATL execution and we believe that technology- led creative approach is the only way forward,” says Sheetal Pritmani Mukherjee, CEO of GRIP Digi.
Sheetal, who has worked with large agency networks, in India & SEA region and also at the client side, has partnered with media industry veteran Rohit Khetarpal, who brings more than a decade of successful advertising and marketing experience across global markets. His deep knowledge and global exposure have not only helped in scaling small businesses but also have successfully managed multi million dollar media businesses across the International market.
Rohit feels, “The world today has moved away from the ‘age of communication’ to the ‘age of experiences’ and GRIP Digi is designed to meet this objective by inspiring consumers to connect with brands in new ways. Our data- led approach backed with technology will help create meaningful experiences and measurable actions for our clients’ businesses.”
GRIP Digi will soon be introducing an array of proprietary as well as licensed tools and solutions under “GRIP Media Platforms”, which will be made available to all their clients and to help define the right omni channel communication strategies for brands.