Mumbai: Filamchi Bhojpuri, a channel dedicated to Bhojpuri cinema, is making a bold move into film production with the release of its first homegrown project. The channel, known for celebrating the vibrancy of Bhojpuri cinema, is set to offer original films, starting with the premiere of Saas Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal. The film, starring Bhojpuri cinema icon Amrapali Dubey, will debut on December 21, 2024, at 5 PM, exclusively on Filamchi Bhojpuri.
Saass Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal features a star-studded ensemble cast including Vidya Singh, Manoj Bhattacharya, Lado Madhesia, Jay Yadav, and Jyoti Mishra, each delivering impressive performances that elevate the film’s narrative. The movie, which explores the complexities of familial relationships with a blend of humor and drama, promises to captivate the audience with its engaging storyline.
Amrapali Dubey, who plays the lead role, shared her excitement about the project, “Saas Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal is an engaging narrative that delves into the intricacies of familial relationships while blending humor and drama. It’s a story that entertains and educates, offering viewers an emotional and thought-provoking experience.”
Aditya Pittie, Managing Director of IN10 Media Network, spoke about Filamchi Bhojpuri’s new venture into film production, “Filamchi has always been dedicated to celebrating Bhojpuri cinema and its cultural vibrancy. With this step into original film production, we aim to deepen our connection with our audience in Bihar, Jharkhand, and beyond. Our first production, Saas Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal, underscores our commitment to delivering high-quality, relatable, and impactful storytelling. This is just the beginning, as we plan to bring many more such stories to life that resonate with our viewers.”
With a compelling screenplay, stellar performances, and unforgettable music, Saas Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal is poised to redefine Bhojpuri cinema, offering a fresh take on family dynamics with a perfect blend of comedy, drama, and heartfelt moments.
Watch the premiere of Saas Kamaal Bahu Dhamaal on December 21, 2024, at 5 PM, exclusively on Filamchi Bhojpuri.