New Delhi: FCB India wins the prized Grand Prix and the Effectiveness Spike at Spikes Asia 2019. The Open door Project for the Millennium Schools won the Grand Prix for Brand Experience & Activation in the Sponsorship & Brand Partnership category and the iconic Sindoor Khela campaign for the Times of India won the Effectiveness Spike in the Creative Effectiveness for Good category. (The Creative Effectiveness Award at Spikes Asia doesn’t not have a metal specification, that is, no gold/ silver/ bronze)
The Open Door Project won India’s only Gold Lion along with special acclamation from David Droga at the coveted Cannes 2019. The campaign also won Gold at the coveted CLIO Awards 2019 recently.
Sindoor Khela, the most awarded campaign that won 50 awards last year has been was credited for effectiveness at national and international award functions this year.
Commenting on the win, Swati Bhattacharya, CCO, FCB Ulka said, “It’s never short of a miracle when you find a client and a jury with their heart in the right place.”
Speaking on the occasion, the founder of The Millennium Schools , Shantanu Prakash who has envisioned the Open Door Project said, “I am very excited to know that the Open Door Project has won Grand Prix at Spikes Asia! This is an important acknowledgement to the mission of the Open Door Project which aims to eradicate illiteracy amongst the street children and students who are out of school; giving the mission the prominence it deserves.”
“This award will enable more people to start looking at the Open Door Project and given its relevance to India, in the light of the new education policy that says no child should be left behind! I think this is a momentous achievement and we are proud of the honour and acknowledgement that has been given to this project” Shantanu added.