Famous Innovations has announced key appointments and promotions in its Delhi office as part of its initiative to strengthen its presence in the North. Sumit Chaurasia, erstwhile Creative Director and Founding Partner has been promoted to Creative Head, Delhi. Neeraj Toor joins as Creative Head too, while Tarkendra Kaul has joined as Business Head.
Chaurasia comes with over 15 years’ experience in advertising, 10 of which have been spent with Famous Innovations. He was part of the Founding team in Mumbai, joining as an Art Director and gradually growing to Creative Head today. Key brands he has steered include Mahindra, Raymond, Titan, Platinum Guild International, Burger King, Haier, etc.
Toor boasts of 16+ years in the business, having been Group Creative Director, Havas and Creative Head, RepIndia, in the past.
Kaul joins from DDB Mudra where he was Client Solutions Director, leading Pernod Ricard among other mandates.
Speaking on the developments, Raj Kamble, Founder and CCO, Famous Innovations, commented, “We have always been optimistic about the Delhi market and already have a strong presence there. This new team brings with it just the right balance of strategic, creative and digital capabilities to give us that new age fresh thinking that we believe the market has been missing. Sumit has been with us since day one and represents the true DNA of Famous, while Neeraj and Tarkendra understand the market and relationships well. I couldn’t be more excited about our future.”
The agency’s roster in Delhi currently includes Adidas, Haier, Pernod Ricard, Dabur, MobiKwik, etc. – a roster they are set to double this year