Mumbai: English News genre had attained significant growth during the COVID 19 Lockdown period with its Viewership skyrocketing by a whopping 250% during the last 4 weeks as masses are glued to their TV screen for latest updates on Corona Virus outbreak and subsequent developments initiated by Govt authorities.
English News: Avg weekly imps (000s):
According to the latest data from BARC, the English News category has emerged as the top gainers of Viewership with its average weekly impressions (000s) in NCCS 22+ (India) surging from 5798 (000s) in week 9 to 20319(000s) imps in week 12. On the other hand, English Business News witnessed 148% growth while the Kids category saw 103% growth.
Under NCCS 15+ India, the English News category has witnessed 248% growth with its average weekly impressions (000s) rising from 7012 (000s) in week 9 to 24370 (000s) imps in week 12.
English News: Avg Weekly Reach (000):
In terms of Average Weekly Reach, the category has clocked 135% growth in NCCS 22+ (India) TG with its Avg Weekly Reach (000) increasing from 20272 (000s) in week 9 to 47547 (000s) in week 12. Under NCCS 15+ India TG the Avg Weekly Reach (000) mounted from 24874 (000s) in week 9 to 57112 (000s) in week 12.
Top gainers in English News:
All leading News Channels posted significant gain with Republic TV emerging as top gainer by garnering maximum viewership gain during the week 9 to week 12 with 289% jump in Avg Weekly Imp (000) in NCCS 15+ India TG. The Channel’s numbers increased from 1599 in week 9 to 6219 in week 12. Under NCCS 22+ (India) TG, Republic TV has recorded 276% growth with its weekly average impressions increasing from 1363 (000s) in week 9 to 5118 (000s) in week 12.
Republic TV’s average weekly reach has witnessed 181% growth between week 9 to week 12 under NCCS 22+ and 169% growth under NCCS 15+ TG.