Mukundan Unni Associates, the directorial debut of Abhinav Sundar Nayak, the editor of several hit films such as Anandam, Godha, and others, will start streaming on Hotstar on January 13. The film features Vineeth Sreenivasan and Suraj Venjaramoodu in lead roles and Tanvi Ram, Arsha Baiju, Ranjith, Jagadish, etc. in supporting roles.
Mukundan Unni, a shady lawyer, will go to any length to achieve his goals. Humorous moments abound in the story that develops alongside his growth. Abhinav has prepared this film in a pattern and with a treatment that Malayalam cinema has not seen till now. The audience’s amusement at the hero’s antics is what makes this movie successful. And Vineeth Srinivasan has made his character so beautiful that you can imagine anyone else for the role of Mukundan Unni. Dr. Ajith Roy produced the film, and Vimal Gopalakrishnan and the director wrote the screenplay. Abhinav also collaborated with Nithin Raj on the editing of Mukundan Unni.
View the trailer here: