Bangalore : The day 4 of the Social Media Week Bangalore, part of the International Festival of Social Media Week happening in seven different international destinations such as New York, Copenhagen, Hamburg, Jakarta, Logos, Milam and Bangalore, consisted 18 outstanding sessions which had speakers from various digital domine sharing their mantra of success in a world of future filled with loads of opportunities in digital front.
The 18 sessions happened today in three different hubs namely ”Lifestyle & Cultural” hub held at Take 5, ”Startup & Entrepreneurship Hub” held at Big Pitcher and ”Advertising & Marketing Hub” held at Newscafe.
The following are the list of sessions happened today in respective hubs on day 4 :
A ) Startup & Entrepreneurship Hub – Scheduled with five sessions :
1) Consumer Relationships & Loyalty in Social Media
2) Growth Hacking For Start-ups
3) The Art of creating great Digital Videos
4) Building Business using Social
5) How To Turn Your Contacts Into Contracts Using A Smartphone & Social Networks
B) Advertising & Marketing – Scheduled with six sessions :
1) Integrating Social Media Marketing and Email for Campaign Effectiveness
2) Main Stream Media vs Social Media
3) Empower your events using smartphones & social networks
4) Mobile as a market place in M-Comm era
5) Brand – Audience Engagement: The Social Media Conundrum
6) Communications in the Age of Brand Newsrooms
C) Lifestyle & Cultural Hub – Scheduled with six sessions :
1) Using Social Media for Travel Marketing
2) Why you should start a food blog right now!
3) Driving Positive Change Through Social Media
4) Share & Save
5) Becoming a Star in the age of Digital Video
6) DEBATE: Does the Travel Industry need Sponsored Content on Social Media?