Mumbai: Dangal TV has begun the year on a strong note with the launch of “Pyaar kii Raahein”, produced by Balaji Telefilms. As per the press release, after a challenging 2024, during which Balaji Telefilms experienced multiple show cancellations on rival channels, the production house has made a strong comeback with this grand and captivating family drama.
Premiering on January 27, 2025, the show has already struck a chord with audiences, receiving immense love for its grandeur, rich storytelling, and breathtaking cinematography. A press release issued by the channel claimed, “The show has resonated deeply with viewers, and the overwhelming response reaffirms our commitment to delivering high-quality entertainment.”
Set against the vibrant backdrop of a powerful Delhi family, “Pyaar kii Raahein” follows the journey of two orphaned sisters, Priya and Anjali, who are bound by love but divided by ambition. Their fates intertwine with two influential brothers, Rudra and Raghav, from the wealthiest family in the city.
- Anjali, seeking a luxurious life, falls for Raghav, the kind-hearted younger brother.
- Priya, the responsible elder sister, is forced to work under Rudra, the arrogant and domineering elder brother—until fate binds them in an unexpected marriage.
This sets the stage for an intense saga of romance, conflict, and redemption.
The first episode delivered a visually stunning and emotionally gripping experience. A press release from the channel stated, “From opulent sets to powerful performances, ‘Pyaar kii Raahein’ is setting new benchmarks in television storytelling.”
“Pyaar kii Raahein” is a popular show with a captivating story, memorable characters, and a mix of romance and drama, as per the press release.