Mumbai: The curated film streaming service MUBI has launched in India. The subscription of MUBI was priced at an introductory rate of 199 rupees ($2.80) for the first three months.
MUBI has roped in Guneet Monga as a content advisor in September. The Indian offering encompasses MUBI India for local titles, among them Om Dar-B-Dar, BinnuKaSapna and Duvidha; and MUBI World, delivering one new film from around the world every day.
The World lineup offered by MUBI includes Amy, 12 Years a Slave and A Bigger Splash. The platform has sealed partnerships with local distributors such as FilmKaravan, NFDC, PVR Pictures, Shemaroo and Ultra.
Efe Cakarel, founder and CEO of MUBI, said: “We want more people to watch great cinema. That’s why MUBI exists. I can’t wait to see people enjoying the incredible line-up of films we have, and I’m delighted that we can now spotlight local filmmakers and cinema through MUBI India every single day.”
Guneet Mong added, “MUBI’s human approach to curation is refreshingly simple and each day it is guaranteed that you will be able to watch a beautiful, interesting film. I’m thrilled we have launched a dedicated channel for Indian cinema as it means that film lovers can now watch amazing films like Salaam Bombay and AndazApnaApna, alongside globally renowned gems like Moonlight.”