Mumbai: COLORS is set to enhance its prime-time lineup with Ram Bhavan, a riveting family drama premiering on 29th January at 8:30 pm. This highly anticipated show delves into the tumultuous power struggles within a family, set in the decaying grandeur of a mansion in Prayagraj.
The story revolves around Om (Mishkat Varma), a determined and resourceful man fighting to restore his family’s lost honor, and Isha (Khushi Rajendra), a former heiress who works tirelessly under challenging circumstances to rebuild her life. Both characters find themselves united against Gayatri (Samiksha Jaiswal), Om’s domineering sister-in-law and Isha’s unforgiving boss, who controls the family’s fortunes and dynamics with an iron fist.
Through intense character arcs and compelling storytelling, Ram Bhavan captures themes of resilience, pride, and the pursuit of justice. The lead actors bring unique dimensions to their roles. Mishkat Varma portrays Om as a proud and innovative individual striving to make his family proud. Khushi Rajendra’s Isha is a symbol of grace and perseverance in adversity, while Samiksha Jaiswal’s Gayatri embodies the duality of power and vulnerability, driving the show’s gripping conflicts.