Chennai: COLORS Tamil presents the launch of Sandhya, an intriguing thriller fiction show Premiering on 1st July 2019, Monday at 9:00 PM. The fantasy-thriller will showcase the life of a young girl – Sandhya who in her pursuit of true love and soul mate falls prey for supernatural forces.
After the success of Naagini 3, Sandhya is yet another riveting battle of love and supernatural element filled with an interesting turn of events that will keep the audience glued to their seats. Following the story of a young girl, cupid brings to Sandhya her one true love and soul mate, Angad. In an unfortunate turn of events on the night of Mahashivarathri, an inauspicious hour unleashes the supernatural forces onto Sandhya’s life, which turns her world upside down and brings on impending doom. The show’s narrative highlights her terrifying encounters with the evil forces in her pursuit to protect her family.
Watch supernatural thriller Sandhya on Colors Tamil from 1st July 2019, Monday at 9:00 PM