Chennai: COLORS Tamil is all set to launch two captivating fiction shows in February. Premiering this Valentine’s Day, ‘Idaiyathai Thirudadhey’ to be aired daily from Monday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m and supernatural fantasy show ‘Naagini 4’, every Monday to Friday at 8:30 p.m from 17th February.
Commenting on the two new shows, Anup Chandrasekharan, Business Head – COLORS Tamil, says, “Idaiyathai Thirudadhey is a show that is in line with COLORS Tamil’s philosophy of strong women-oriented stories. It is a never-seen-before love story that blossoms between two people forced into a wedlock. Naagini 4, on the other hand, is a supernatural fantasy thriller that promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats. It is also a powerful story of women, albeit of a different kind.’
Naagini 4 is a mythical love-cum-revenge saga of a snake. This blockbuster show on the Hindi GEC COLORS, will now be presented in Tamil. Viewers will see popular faces like Nia Sharma, Jasmine Bhasin, Vijayendra Kumeria and Sayantani Ghosh.
Watch Idaiyathai Thirudadhey to know how this forced wedding affects the lives of Sahana and Shiva only on COLORS Tamil, starting February 14, from Monday to Saturday at 7:30 pm. Naagini 4 comes with a unique twist, featuring more than one Naagini and will air every Monday to Friday at 8.30 pm, starting February 17. Viewers can also tune in anytime on VOOT.