Chennai: Following the launch of its high value production period drama Ilaya Thalapathi, Viacom 18’s Tamil Entertainment Channel, Colors Tamil is further strengthening its programming lineup with the addition of two more shows of which, one is fiction series “Marubadiyum” and couple game show “Namma Ooru Coloru”.
The new fiction series “Marubadiyum” tells the impossible tale of two strangers brought together by a mysterious accident that shakes the very roots of their foundation. Love betrayed Aditya and Zoya the first time around, will they learn to fall in love again, forms the crux of the series, it is an amalgamation of romance, drama and mystery starring the popular faces of television screens, Jennifer Winget as Zoya and Harshad Chopda as Aditya, Sehban Azim as Yash (Zoya’s Husband) and Namita Dubey essaying the role of Pooja (Aditya’s Wife).
Marubadiyum is a dubbed version of the Hindi series Bepannaah that was launched on 19th March this year on Viacom 18 group’s Hindi GEC Colors TV. Bepannaah opened with extraordinary ratings and is one of the channels’ best performing fiction series.
Marubadiyum on Colors Tamil is slated for launch on 30th July and will be aired weeknights at 10.30pm time band.
In addition to the launch of romantic drama, Colors Tamil has opened the gates for the auditions for its upcoming couple game show “Namma Ooru Coloru”.
The game reality show features real life couples, as contestants performing fun tasks to prizes worth lakhs. The channel has kick started its auditions for couples in Erode, Tamilnadu.
Couples interested to participate in the audition of Namma Ooru Coloru can call 63834 07076 and attend the auditions conducted on 22nd July 2018 at Velalar Vidyalayaa CBSE School, Maruthi Nagar, Erode -12.
The fiction show Marubadiyum and game reality show Namma Ooru Coloru looks promising shows that will strengthen the channels content line up.