Chennai: Adding a Midas touch to its prime time content, COLORS Tamil, the youngest Tamil general entertainment channel is all set to bring to its viewers an entertaining new game show, Kalla Petti. This first-of-its-kind game show, hosted by the high-spirited Imman Ananchi, will encompass a dazzling ATM truck travelling through different cities of Tamil Nadu to bring ‘Adhirshta Lakshmi’ (god of luck) to the viewer’s doorstep. Premiering on 30th September 2019, Kalla Petti is a women-centric show that will be aired every Monday to Saturday at 6:00 PM.
Spread across three entertaining segments, the game show will witness a cash box located in celebrated landmarks of different cities with a cash prize worth Rs.25000. Host, Imman Annachi will converse with a diverse set of audiences and pick 12 enterprising participants to contest against each other in the segments. The first segment, Bathula Solu, Panatha Solu will have six different pairs of women battling against each other in a fun-filled quiz by Annachi. Following this, the second segment –Konjam Poti, Neraya Looti will encompass a series of senses of humour activities undertaken by another set of six pairs. The winners of the first two segments will then contest against each other in theTakkunu Sollu to win the coveted cash prize.
Commenting on the show, Anup Chandrasekharan, Business Head – COLORS Tamil, said “COLORS Tamil since its inception has been successful in bringing to new formats of the game show to the Tamil speaking audience globally. Today, with this yet another striking show, we are happy to connect with the audience directly on-ground, travel with them and celebrate them in the most entertaining way. Especially celebrate women, who bring a spirit of enthusiasm to every occasion and to shine the spotlight on them is the main objective of the show. There is no one better than everyone’s favorite Imman Annachi to host this one-of-a-kind show and we are happy to welcome him on-board.”