Mumbai : Colors INFINITY launched with the concept of ‘Essential Viewing’ and further went on to introduce the path-breaking property, ‘Instant Premieres’. The channel now gears up to revolutionize English Entertainment viewing by introducing LIVE Binge for the first time on Indian Television. With the LIVE Binge premiere of Mad Dogs on Saturday, 23rd January, Colors INFINITY is all set to add yet another feather to its cap of “firsts”.
The premiere of Mad Dogs on Colors INFINITY marks the first-ever LIVE binge on television. The channel will be premiering 10 back-to-back Premiere episodes of Mad Dogs the same time as Amazon Prime premieres the episodes in USA. The new concept of LIVE binge helps bring international content to India on real-time basis; thereby eliminating the need for illegally downloading the series from the internet.
“Since the inception of Colors INFINITY, we have innovated with the disruption of the English Entertainment space on television through unique content and programming. With the introduction of live binging through Mad Dogs in India, we move several steps closer to align our premieres with real time international airing on television. We are excited to air the first ever television live binge in the country.” – Ferzad Palia, EVP Viacom18 and Head of English and Youth entertainment.
Written and created by Cris Cole, the nail-biting thriller drama series Mad Dogs stars Michael Imperioli, Billy Zane, Steve Zahn, and Romany Malco, as well as Ben Chaplin. Originally a British TV series, later adapted for US television, the series revolves around four middle aged friends organising a get together away from the city to celebrate the retirement of one of them. Post one of them gets murdered, the story eventually graduates into a black comedy narration entwined with crime, conspiracy and spine chilling shockers that constantly keeps viewers at the edge.
After starting the year off on a winning note, with the channel’s shows receiving the most coveted awards at the 73rd Golden Globe Awards and the Critic’s Choice Awards, Colors INFINITY is now upping the ante with the live binge.