Mumbai: Propelled by marquee properties like Bigg Boss, Naagin, ChottiSardaarni, Shakti, Vidya, Naati Pinky Ki Lambi Love Story and recently launched Barrister Babu, Viacom18’s Hindi GEC Colors emerged as the premier primetime destination for viewers on both weekdays and weekends with 370 Mn impressions and 25.4% market share.
COLORS ranks #1 in all day PT even amongst 15+ All Adults and HGEC core TG of Females 15+
The current season of Bigg Boss is the highest-rated season ever. The reality format has also has emerged to be #1 Non-Fiction property of the Hindi GE category, reaching out to over 213 Mn viewers across all its airing on both COLORS SD and HD feed (Source: HSM Urban 2+, Pay+Free Universe, All NCCS, Week 40’19-7’20)
The finale episode garnered 10.5 Mn Impressions, not only making it the highest-rated finale episode across non-fiction shows of the category (in the BARC universe) but also highest-rated finale episode on the history of Bigg Boss (since BB Season 1)
Naagin in its fourth season was the best launch of Hindi GE category of 2019; It is the highest-rated fiction show of the category since launch (Source: HSM Urban 2+, Pay+Free Universe, All NCCS, Week 53’19-7’20, Saturday-Sunday)
ChottiSardaarni was the reviving factor for COLORSfiction line-up; The show has witnessed the best growth in the category with a 2.6x (multiplier); The show now continues to be amongst the Top-3 weekday fiction shows
Shakti continues its successful run and maintains its slot leadership; While the show continues to feature in the Top-10 fiction shows of the category, Shakti with the leap, new characters, and fresh look has touched the right chord with audiences all over again
Barrister Babu, since launch in Week 6, features in the Top-10 fiction show list of the category along with Naagin, ChotiSardarni, and Shakti.
Source: BARC, HSM Urban 2+, Pay+Free Universe, Average Week 53’19-7’20, Prime Time: 18:00 – 24:00 hrs