TAM Media Research’s division AdEx has provided an overview of the advertising ad volume in the confectionary category, across different platforms, between January and June 2015.
The TAM AdEx Jan to June 2015 report looks at advertising in television, print, and radio, with the entire analysis based on ad volumes expressed in secondages or column centimetres. The figures should be taken only as indicative, and not absolute.
According to the report, advertising for the confectionaries category on TV and in print surged by 100 per cent and 152 per cent respectively, during Jan-Jun 2015, as compared to Jan-Jun 2014. On radio, it decreased by 22 per cent in the same period.
The report also indicates that among cities, Kolkata tops the share of confectionery advertising with 9 per cent in print, followed by Mumbai, with a 5 per cent share. Telugu was the top language in ads, with 38 per cent share of print.
Television had 99 per cent share of the entire confectionery ad insertions pie overall, while radio reported highest ad insertions in March 2015. Cadburys India was the top advertiser in each of the mediums.
Among new brands, Nestle Kit Kat Senses, Luvit and Schmitten Hoppits were the top ones on TV, radio, and print, respectively.