Bollywood actor Rajiv Gupta has signed on as a brand supporter and adviser for BroBazaar, a tech-enabled, B2B digital marketplace. BroBazaar streamlines the property listing and search processes for real estate professionals.
Rajiv Gupta, 55, is an actor based in New Delhi who has acted in films like Paan Singh Tomar, Jolly LLB 2, Bunty aur Babli, 83, etc.
Commenting on the occasion, Rajiv Gupta added, “BroBazaar is disrupting the real estate sector as we know it. There has never been a better time to be a part of something that I am passionate about. I am picky about the companies I choose to work with, especially ones with high development potential. BroBazaar is a one-of-a-kind experience. I sincerely want to be of guidance and to be a part of BroBazaar’s growth journey.”
Neha Kapur, Founder at BroBazaar, commented, “When it comes to Bollywood, Rajiv is a big star. We will benefit greatly from having him join our team due to his acquired knowledge of real estate. Having Rajiv Gupta onboard as a guide and supporter will be invaluable to BroBazaar’s success. BroBazaar is on the side of brokers and is aiming to shake up the real estate sector for the better. BroBazaar couldn’t be more delighted to have him onboard.”