National : BIG FM, one of India’s largest radio networks, kick starts the New Year with the launch of Mumbai Maska Maar Ke with Actor, comedian and RJ Vrajesh Hirjee. The breakfast show specially curated for Mumbaikars is guaranteed to give a unique taste of the city and a dose of morning updates to start your day on the right foot. Listeners can tune into BIG FM from Monday to Saturday between 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM and start their day with style and a smile.
Taking a humorous approach, the morning show aims to bring a fresh perspective to all of Mumbai’s favorite grouses. The show will introduce its listeners to a distinctive Mumbai, one which they live but didn’t observe differently. Having the city’s vibe coursing through his veins, RJ Vrajesh Hirjee’s comedic talent and versatile personality will add a humorous dimension to the day-to-day life of Mumbaikars.
On launching the show, BIG FM spokesperson said, “With the launch of our refreshed breakfast show, we want to offer the listeners a transformed morning experience. The show will highlight a positive side of the city while keeping the humor intact. We feel certain that through this show, RJ Vrajesh will not only put forward his point of view effectively, but will succeed in bringing smiles on the faces of our listeners with his sharp wit. We look forward to drawing massive participation and engagement from our listeners.”
On his association with BIG FM, RJ Vrajesh Hirjee said, “I am excited to be a part of such a well-conceptualized show like Mumbai Maska Maar Ke. It’s extremely heart-warming to have a show, with a clutter breaking concept, which involves listeners, making them feel like they’re a part of it. My association with the comedy genre goes back a long way, but making people laugh while they’re hurrying to work – and stuck in a traffic jam or a crowded train compartment is a huge responsibility. I am looking forward to revisiting my radio avtaar and I’m hopeful that listeners will join me in this action-packed journey and enjoy the show as much as I do”.
The show will have a strong digital presence and will focus on drawing massive engagement from the locals of aamchi Mumbai.