Star Jalsha’s newly launched show, Panchami, has become the top-rated fiction show in Bengal in its launch week according to BARC WB U MF 15-50 ABC Mon-Fri WK 49’22.
The show, which follows the story of a girl named Panchami who possesses mystical powers over snakes and is a devoted follower of Lord Shiva, has garnered attention with its unexpected plot twists and turns. The central plot of the show centers around Panchami and Kinjal Chowdhury, a young, dynamic entrepreneur who is trying to develop a life-saving drug from snake venom but is also at risk of being killed by a snake bite due to an inauspicious “Sarpo Dosh” in his horoscope.
Speaking on the occasion, Spokesperson of the channel said, “We are delighted with the super success of Panchami in the launch week. Panchami has a blend of mythological content and mystical power set in modern time. We are glad that the content has been loved and accepted by the viewers in the very first week. We promise the viewers many more surprises in the coming episodes as well.”