Mumbai : The BARC data unveiled the ranking of the channels today for week 1 for the period between Saturday, 29th December 2018 and Friday, 4th January 2019. The data reveals the rankings of channels and their performance for week 1in which, Star Plus has retained its leadership position in the Urban HSM whereas, in the U+R and Rural markets while Zee Anmol remained on top of the chart. In the U+R category this week, Star Plus has taken a giant leap to the No.2 position from No.4 in week 52.
In the Urban HSM, this week Star Plus with 470892 mn imps has further strengthened its leadership position, with an increase in viewership by 41160mn imps. The telecast of the award show Star Screen Awards 2018 has played a major role in driving the ratings of the channel, garnering 9109 mn imps has cemented its leadership position this week in the Urban HSM category. Star Screen Awards 2018 has also emerged as the top rated show in week 1.
Following the market leader Sony stood at No.2 with 439441mn imps. Colors with 401236 mn imps has stepped up to the 3rd slot overtaking its rival Zee TV 392103 mn imps which is seen dropping to the 4th position this week. Rest of the channels like Star Bharat 316116 mn imps, Sony Sab 296948 mn imps, Star Utsav 191243 mn imps and Sony Pal 162512 mn imps follow in order without any changes in the rankings. Zee Anmol 160499 mn imps and &TV 134017 mn imps have settled in the 9th and 10 slots with respectively in week 1.
The Hindi U+R segment is dominated by Zee Anmol with 823945 mn imps. Star Plus with 670747 is seen climbing up to the No.2 position in week 1from the 4th position in week 52. With the telecast of the Star Screen Awards 2019has contributed to the viewership of the channels by attracting 11839 mn imps and has emerged as the 2nd top rated program this week. Star Screen Awards 2019 has paved the way for the channels’ improved ratings this week making Star Plus take the runner up position in the Hindi U+R space.
Zee TV with 648320 mn imps and Star Bharat 611114 mn imps with have stepped down to occupy the 3rd and 4th slots in the chart, while Sony 598328 mn imps has retained its position in the 5th place. Colors 584887 mn imps and Star Utsav 564417 mn imps are seen interchanging their last week places to stand at the 6th and 7th positions in week 1. Sony Pal, 533528 Dangal TV 463740 mn imps and Rishtey 460052 mn imps stood at the 8th and 9th and 10th position in the list respectively.
The Hindi GEC rural market is topped by Zee Anmol with 663446 mn imps followed by Star Ustav 373175 mn imps that has moved by to the No.2 position pushing down Sony Pal 371016mn imps to the No.3 position this week. Dangal TV 363543 mn imps, Rishtey 337711mn imps and Star Bharat 294999mn imps stood at the 4th , 5th and 6th places with respectively. While Zee TV 256216 mn imps and Big Magic 200818mn imps retained their places in the 7th and 8th slots in week 1, Star Plus 199855 mn imps and Colors 183652 mn imps stood at the 9th and 10th slots with this week .