Cochin: Mazhavil Manorama, the Malayalam general entertainment channel from the publication giant Manorama Group, has clocked the highest TV ratings. During week 40 (BARC), the world television premiere of ‘Bahubali’ which was telecasted on 4th October 2015, has rated no.1 among all programmes in the Malayalam GEC space.
The channel clocked 25,062 TVTs for the world television premiere of the movie during Week 40 (4+ NCCS All) during the telecast hours. This is the highest BARC rated World TV premiere among Malayalam GECs so far. It was also rated as No.1 Programme of the week across all relevant TG’s.
The movie was supported by a strong 360 degree marketing campaign to reach the viewers, with outdoor, print, digital, social media campaigns and on air promos.
With these numbers, Mazhavil has set a new benchmark in the Malayalam GEC space.
During week 40 for the period 3rd October to 9th October, Mazhavil Manorama stood at a strong No. 2 among Malayalam Entertainment Channel with 66319 TVTs followed by Surya TV at no. 3 with 38366 TVTs, while the Asianet scored 178171 TVTs.