Mumbai:, a college content entertainment platform announced their association with Star Movies, home to the biggest blockbusters. As a part of this association, ATKT will help amplify the search for young, talented movie fans in who will create special videos as a tribute to their favourite Hollywood blockbusters for ‘My Star Movies at 9’.
‘My Star Movies at 9’ recognizes the spirit of young movie buffs and their love for Hollywood films. The selected talent created tributes to their favourite blockbuster describing what they love most about it through music, poetry, and dance lead. These videos will be played on the channel,as well as the various social media platforms of Star Movies and their partners, including ATKT will promote the campaign to over six lakh college students across 800 colleges.
Commenting on this association Prashant Sardesai, Co-founder of said:“This innovative campaign From Star Movies pioneers the use of young, unrecognised talent to celebrate the love for cinema. ATKT is proud to partner Star Movies in helping find the best campus talent, and to amplify the fan art produced by these talented performers to a large youth audience”.