Mumbai: Aptronix, India’s Apple Premium Reseller is opening India’s first flagship Apple Premium Reseller store. To celebrate this milestone with apple fans, Aptronix is hosting a creative social media contest encouraging apple users and fans to get creative and express their love for Apple products in the form of images, poetry, videos etc. Through this contest, individuals will be sending in entries that will depict their love for a product which they own or aspire to own. Aptronix is promoting active engagement with the audience through creative avenues that gives them a platform to showcase their talent in the most simplified manner.
Over 40 winners stand a chance to win Apple products, special services, and a lot more. Based on the creativity of the entries received, the top 5 winners will win amazing products from Apple such as iPhone, iPad and Airpods and the rest will be given an Aptronix Black Services Card which entitles the user to special after-sale privileges as well as a preview of the new store hosted by Meghna Singh, the CEO of Aptronix.
On using Social Media as a platform to host this contest, Meghna Singh, CEO, Aptronix said “Social media today plays an integral role as a platform for connecting and engaging with customers. This campaign leverages the best out of social media by not just announcing the contest but also giving them an opportunity to be part of the brand narrative and showcase their creative streaks, all for the love of Apple “