Mumbai: Actress Kajal Aggarwal and celebrity chef Vicky Ratnani launched their brand licencing programmes at HGH India. HGH India is a bi-annual trade show for home textiles, home décor, home furniture, houseware and gifts.
Partnering with Swag, a lrand licensing company Aggarwal aims to bring her home design ideas to life under her brand Kateeka. Her Brand Licensing Programme looks to integrate traditional artistry with modern design sensibilities. She aims to develop premium home lifestyle products that resonate with both heritage enthusiasts and modern homeowners.
She said, “At this stage in my life, focusing on Home Lifestyle categories comes naturally.” I am deeply passionate about the vibe and design aesthetics that shape our homes. I am looking forward to bringing my home design ideas to fruition through my brand and am excited to meet and engage with industry leaders at HGH India to explore potential collaborations.“
HGH India also enabled the launch of Ratnani’s journey into kitchenware through a strategic collaboration with Swag. This initiative marks his foray into the kitchenware sector. He said, “I wanted to translate my global experiences into creating products that resonate with Indian households while offering a chic, international aesthetic.” His Brand Licensing Programme aims to redefine kitchenware, leveraging his understanding of culinary essentials to inspire cooking aficionados nationwide.