Bengaluru: Acer has announced the launch of its globally acclaimed digital signage solutions, abSignage in India. This launch marks the entry of Acer into the Digital Signage industry in India. Available in four form factors – DV433 (43”), DV503 (50”), DV553 (55”) and DV653 (65”), these displays can help create valuable and flexible communication.
The abSignage solutions, utilizes advancements in cloud technology and big data analytics to be the most cost effective solution to manage the digital signage network. abSignage provides all that is required from a single source. In addition to the powerful digital signage hardware and software that is available when working with Acer Being Signage, the unique cloud-based and big data analysis services that is offered allows one to take their business to the next level.
Commenting on this, Mr. SudhirGoel, Head of Commercial Business Group, Acer India, said, “Acer’s entry into the digital signage industry in India marks a new beginning and we are more than thrilled to be growing at this pace. India’s digital signage market stood at $328.79 million in 2016, and is forecast to exhibit a CAGR of 18.60% in value terms to reach $906.65 million by the end of 2022, on the back of growing use of digital signage for outdoor advertising to make marketing more effective and appealing to customers. We at Acer believe that our Large Format Displays comes with the most dynamic content management and delivers the messages when and where you need it”.
For companies that are associated with Acer, they will handle all the complexities of the cloud on a minimal quarterly service fee,so that one can stay focused on their business, rather than stressing over IT requirements.
Acer, also offers a proprietary content management system that provides a high degree of flexibility in both content scheduling and delivery from anywhere in the world. The messages are effectively controlled by using the Smart Attributes which dynamically create playlists for certain audience groups, increasing the efficacy of an advertisement and maximizing results.
This solution also provides for a Behavior Tracking Sensor, which quickly and easily tracks and quantifies, what kind of audience your advertisements attracts in each of the stores. This feature powers it unique Being Audience Rating (BAR) dashboard to enable one to monitor a wide variety of metrics, including the number of views, attention time, customer demographics, and much more.