COAI, the body that represents the GSM mobile operators in India, announced the election of its new leadership for the term 2014-2015 in its Annual General Body Meeting, held on 14th July 2014.
Marten Pieters of Vodafone India Ltd. has been elected as the new Chairman and Gopal Vittal, MD & CEO (India and South Asia) of Bharti Airtel has been elected as the Vice-Chairman. COAI also designated its Executive Council for the new term at the meeting.
Marten Pieters is the MD & CEO of Vodafone India, since February 2009, has over three decades of professional experience in international and domestic markets and has served in senior positions in various organizations.
He holds a Law degree from Groningen University, the Netherlands, and has also completed a Postgraduate course in Economics in 1979. Marten Pieters pledged his full possible support in the tasks and endeavours ahead for the Industry and the Association.
Pieters, in his address as the new Chairman of COAI stated that, “In the recent past, India’s growth story fuelled by the telecom sector has been going through a challenging policy and regulatory environment. While the Industry is witnessing low profit margins, primarily due to high debt paid to finance 3G & BWA Auction held couple of years ago, the sector also underwent a series of unprecedented events and policy reversals. After years of uncertainty and policy paralysis, we are expecting a definitive roadmap for the telecom sector from the new government in the Centre.”
Rajan S Mathews, Director General, COAI, extended his heartfelt gratitude to Himanshu Kapania, the outgoing Chairman of COAI for the bold, courageous and excellent leadership provided by him through one of the most challenging periods in the history of Indian telecom’s regulation and government environment. He also welcomed the new leadership and congratulated them for accepting their positions at the helm of the association for the coming term.