Mumbai: Zee News, India’s most trusted news channel, is set to commemorate the spirit of Republic Day with the telecast of the prestigious Zee Real Heroes Awards 2025 on 26th January at 3 PM. This special telecast aims at honoring the extraordinary individuals whose courage, innovation, and excellence reflect the nation’s ideals, leaving a lasting impact on society.
The Zee Real Heroes Awards 2025 pays tribute to the visionaries and changemakers across various fields—including politics, business, sports, entertainment, and more—who are shaping India’s future. As the nation unites in patriotic pride, viewers will be inspired by remarkable stories of resilience and achievement. The event will also delve into thought-provoking themes, such as the transformative power of AI, Maharashtra’s growth and challenges, and the media’s vital role in empowering trailblazers.
Speaking about the significance of the initiative, Rajesh Sareen, Chief Revenue Officer, Zee Media Corporation Limited, said, “The Zee Real Heroes Awards 2025 celebrates the extraordinary individuals who embody the true spirit of India—courage, innovation, and progress. On this Republic Day, we are proud to share their inspiring stories with millions of viewers, reaffirming Zee Media’s commitment to empowering changemakers and driving impactful narratives.”
Mayank Agrawal CEO, Gallantt Group highlighted, ”Zee Media continues to truly acknowledge the efforts of extraordinary individuals whose vision and determination drive meaningful change in our society, by honouring the changemakers with the prestigious Zee Real Heroes Awards. At Gallantt Group, we are honored to partner with Zee Media in recognizing these trailblazers who embody the spirit of innovation and resilience. Through this partnership, we look forward to encourage citizens to join us in celebrating their inspiring stories that remind us of the limitless potential of our nation.”
Supported by Gallant Group and Kia Syros, this landmark event telecast will feature dignitaries from politics, business, sports, and entertainment, further elevating its stature as a benchmark of excellence.
Zee Media Corporation Ltd, one of India’s leading media companies, has a strong presence in the news and regional genres, with 18 News channels, reaching more than 555+ million viewers in the current year through its linear properties.
-Based on Press Release