Mumbai: The excitement surrounding India’s first franchise-based Pickleball League, the World Pickleball League (WPL), has reached fever pitch with the launch of its latest digital video campaign (DVC). Directed by the acclaimed filmmaker Bijoy Shetty, known globally for his work on Hanumankind’s video, the campaign offers a high-energy glimpse into the much-anticipated inaugural edition of the league, set to take place from January 24th to February 2nd, 2025.
The DVC captures the rising enthusiasm for pickleball, blending the electrifying dynamics of the sport with its growing popularity in everyday life. Featuring six dynamic teams with ownerships spanning corporate leaders and celebrities, the World Pickleball League is set to enthrall audiences across the nation with its unique mix of sport and entertainment.
Bijoy Shetty, sharing his creative vision for the campaign, said, “Creating something for a dynamic sport like Pickleball, which is taking the world by storm, was an exciting challenge. Inspired by the energy and enthusiasm of Pickleball players and its fans, I wanted the ad to capture the same thrill that drives this incredible sport. It was a joy to bring my own perspective to it, and I hope everyone enjoys the ad and the upcoming league as much as I enjoyed working on it. I know I’ll be on the edge of my seat watching the league unfold!”
Gaurav Natekar, Co-Founder and CEO of the World Pickleball League, added, “We are thrilled about the DVC launch. Our goal was to showcase that the league is not just about high-intensity competition featuring some of the world’s best players but also about the universal appeal of Pickleball. It’s a sport that anyone can play, anywhere. The league aims to unite people, create communities, and establish a commercially viable professional platform for all stakeholders and partners.”
Adding to the creative outlook, Manav Parekh, Executive Creative Director, remarked, “Pickleball is blowing up for all the right reasons! We wanted to tap into that obsession—how this game has captured the imagination of people, much like how we grew up improvising to play cricket anywhere and everywhere. This film is about that same obsessive spirit but for Pickleball—it’s here to stay, and it’s only going to grow.”
With its eclectic mix of tennis, badminton, and table tennis strategies, pickleball is rapidly gaining traction in India, fueled by a rise in clubs, courts, and enthusiastic players. The World Pickleball League promises to be a game-changer, setting the stage for India to emerge as a key hub for pickleball in Asia.
In addition to featuring top international and Indian players, the league will host a variety of engaging activities designed to generate interest among amateur players and provide opportunities for the sport’s growth.
As the league approaches its debut, the World Pickleball League invites audiences to join this sportainment phenomenon, whether as spectators, participants, or fans, to celebrate the spirit of pickleball like never before. Tickets are now available on Swiggy Scenes.
Agency Credits:
The World Pickleball League’s latest digital video campaign is a collaborative effort by a talented team, with the creative execution managed by Only Much Louder (OML).
· Account Leads: Veena Janaj and Richa Patankar
· Executive Creative Director: Manav Parekh
· Creative Lead: Ananya Pandey
· Finance Head: Sudhakar Jadhav
· Finance Controllers: Santosh Raut and Ishika Palande
· Producers: Kreeti Gogia and Divya Ganapathy
· Director: Bijoy Shetty