Tamil Nadu: Flipkart, an e-commerce platform, has partnered with Cycle Pure Agarbathi, a 75-year-old iconic brand, to bring the magic of Pongal to people celebrating away from home. The collaboration, titled ‘Scent of Pongal’, is a unique initiative designed to evoke the nostalgic fragrance of the harvest festival, which holds a special place in the hearts of many.
The campaign, conceptualized by DDB Mudra and 22feet Tribal Worldwide, offers an immersive, multi-sensory experience that transcends traditional gifting. The first activation involves strategically placed diffusers at bus shelters across Chennai and Coimbatore. As commuters wait for their transport, the diffusers release the sweet aroma of Pongal, evoking memories of home, family, and cherished celebrations.
Meanwhile, in Bengaluru, Flipkart leveraged its hyperlocal service, Flipkart Minutes, to deliver specially curated Cycle Agarbathi packs to customers with their orders in the days leading up to the festival. This thoughtful gesture allowed customers to experience the ‘Scent of Pongal’ in the comfort of their own homes, bringing a piece of the festival closer to them.
Speaking about the collaboration, Arjun Ranga, Managing Director of Cycle Pure Agarbathi, said, “Pongal is a celebration of gratitude, prosperity, and community, and we are honored to partner with Flipkart to bring this essence to homes across India. Our exclusive fragrance and immersive activations aim to celebrate the deep cultural significance of Pongal while creating memorable, meaningful experiences for customers nationwide. This collaboration reaffirms our commitment to preserving traditions and innovating for the future. At Cycle Pure Agarbathi, we take pride in crafting experiences that resonate with the soul of India’s festivals. Together with Flipkart, we are proud to spread the fragrance of joy, one home at a time.”
The campaign taps into the deep cultural roots of Pongal and blends them seamlessly with modern technology and innovation. Priya Shivakumar, Creative Head of DDB Mudra, and Vishnu Srivatsav, Creative Head of 22feet Tribal Worldwide, shared their creative vision behind the campaign: “We all know the power that scent has to trigger memories and emotion. This is especially true when it comes to festivals, and it’s the reason why the reality of our celebrations today can never match up to the way our memories have kept the scents of our childhood festivities alive. That’s why we decided to use the power of scent to evoke a sense of nostalgia and take the people of Tamil Nadu back in time to experience that authentic Pongal from their childhood all over again. With the sweet smell of Pongal lingering in the air, it was heartening to play a small part in the loudest Pongal-O-Pongal cheer this year.”
The ‘Scent of Pongal’ campaign celebrates both tradition and innovation, bringing together the cultural significance of the festival and the evolving preferences of today’s consumers. It offers a unique way to keep the spirit of Pongal alive for those who cannot be at home during the festivities, ensuring that the fragrance of the festival spreads far and wide.
Watch the campaign here
Agency Credits:
Creative: Priya Shivakumar, Vishnu Srivatsav, Diya Sarker, Gladius Augustin, Sanket Palkar, Pranav Gupte, Shahinshad AC, Sruthi Ramesh, Kiran Kumar, Abhishek Rasane
Business: Vanaja Pillai, Menaka Menon, Shikha Davessar, Sujay Ghosh, Zubin Sheriff, Apeksha Pandey, Varda Choudhury, Varsha Varna