New Delhi: JK Lakshmi Cement (JKLC) has unveiled a new TVC featuring Indian cricket team captain and brand ambassador Rohit Sharma. The ad film is part of the company’s rebranding campaign, ‘Soch Karo Buland,’ which celebrates the aspirations and emotional significance of homeownership as a foundation for future generations.
Conceptualized by Fisheye Creative Solutions, the TVC embodies JK Lakshmi Cement’s vision of inspiring bold dreams and emphasizes the importance of owning a home—a symbol of success, stability, and generational legacy. The campaign connects deeply with cultural and emotional values, portraying homeownership as a cornerstone of identity, pride, and societal standing.
Arun Shukla, President and Director of JK Lakshmi Cement, shared his thoughts on the campaign, saying, “Our new TVC aims to inspire the Indian youth to understand that a successful future starts with big dreams. Our overall campaign, ‘Soch Karo Buland,’ embodies our philosophy of building aspirations and trust. Through this brand refresh, we aim to align with the evolving needs of our customers, combining innovation, sustainability, and delivering customer-centric solutions. As we move forward, we aim to build structures and contribute to creating enduring legacies.”
The rebranding initiative positions JK Lakshmi Cement as a forward-thinking, sustainable brand, resonating with modern aspirations. It also underscores the company’s commitment to environmental stewardship. With an ambitious goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2047, JK Lakshmi Cement has already achieved 48% renewable energy usage in FY 2023-24 and plans to transition to 100% renewable electricity by 2040.
This initiative reflects JK Lakshmi Cement’s strategy of blending innovation with sustainability, aiming to shape the future of the construction industry while supporting customers in realizing their dreams.
Through ‘Soch Karo Buland,’ JK Lakshmi Cement continues to solidify its reputation as a trusted partner in construction, empowering Indians to build homes that stand as testaments to their aspirations and dreams for generations to come.
· Creative Agency – Fisheye Creative Solutions
· Production House – Double Barrel communications