New Delhi: ABP News, one of India’s leading Hindi news channels, is set to host the ‘Abhiyaan Bemisaal, Swachhta Ke Dus Saal’ conclave in New Delhi on Monday, September 30, 2024, marking a decade of the Government’s Swachh Bharat Mission. This event will reflect on the significant progress and challenges of the nationwide cleanliness initiative, launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on October 2, 2014, as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150th birth anniversary. As the Swachh Bharat Mission completes 10 years, ABP News aims to foster crucial discussions among stakeholders to evaluate its impact and explore the way forward.
The half-day conclave will feature a dynamic lineup of expert panels and interactive sessions that highlight the contributions of cleanliness champions from various sectors. Thought leaders and practitioners will share their experiences, providing participants with valuable insights into effective strategies for creating cleaner, healthier environments. This collaborative atmosphere will foster dialogue and the exchange of best practices, empowering attendees to implement actionable solutions within their own communities.
Through this platform, ABP News seeks to inspire continued dedication to cleanliness and sustainability by sharing success stories, best practices, and innovative solutions that have emerged over the past decade. By showcasing the tangible progress made under the Swachh Bharat Mission, the event will highlight how far India has come and outline the next steps needed to ensure the mission’s sustained impact.
The conclave also reaffirms ABP News’ commitment to fostering social change by utilising its vast reach to reinforce the Swachh Bharat Mission as a powerful and ongoing movement. The channel invites viewers to be part of this significant milestone and encourages active participation in the national cleanliness agenda moving forward.
-Based on Press Release